Comedy Shorts
Title: Dispel
Entrant: Charlotte Rooney-Baker and Charlie Hines
Based: London
Title: Cars Schmars
Entrant: Ella Gonzalez
Based: London
Title: Body Positivity Women
Entrant: Eryn Tett
Based: Manchester
Title: Creative Writing 2.1
Entrant: Lorelei Mathias
Based: London
Title: My Entertainment Badge
Entrant: Lorna Rose Treen
Based: London
Title: What is it like being white?
Entrant: Sapphire McIntosh
Based: Folkstone
Title: New Mum's New Toy
Entrant : Sarah Grant / Katrina Allen
Based: London
Title: OnlyFran
Entrant: Sarah Roberts
Based: Glasgow
Title: The Beautiful Game
Entrant: Thick 'n' Fast (Cassie Symes & Georgina Thomas)
Based: Hertfordshire
Title : Expectation Aunty
Entrant : Zara Janjua
Based: London
The Winner will be announced at the Funny Women Awards Grand Final on Thursday 29th September at Bloomsbury Theatre, London.
Founded in 2003, London Short Festival (LSFF) is a BAFTA-qualifying, internationally regarded independent short film festival.
Each January, LSFF hosts ten days of short form, conversation and multidisciplinary curation. We present between 250-500 British and international films each edition, collaboratively programmed down from 5000+ open submissions, alongside Special Events and an industry offering of workshops, panels and discussion for filmmakers and workers.
LSFF exists to spotlight a multiplicity of filmmakers, visual artists and creatives, across intersections and with a commitment to peripheral voices. We pride ourselves on an 18 year ethos of giving screen-space and visibility to unconventional and thoroughly independent filmmaking, and our programming seeks to situate the contemporary in dialogue with its history and the world at large. We consider LSFF both a platform where filmmakers can cut their teeth and define their careers, and a celebrator of the archival treasures and talent that got us here.