Funny Women Brussels is the first all-female presenting comedy show in Brussels created by a female comedian. Running since April 2023 and delighting audiences with its dynamic lineup by featuring both new acts and more seasoned performers from Belgium and beyond. We are committed to promoting comedy by women and encouraging more women to pick up the mic and test their funny bones.
By attending our event, you will leave with a memorable evening and become part of a movement that aims to break down barriers and redefine the comedy landscape.
FWB is organized in partnership with BarBichette, a Brussels-based ecofeminist community. Find out more at
And yes, men are not only very welcome but also highly encouraged to attend! (No joke, this question has come up a few times… )
About Funny Women
Funny Women is a European comedy community at the vanguard of nurturing and promoting female comedy talent – from finding and developing new acts through its annual competition, the Funny Women Awards, to working with established performers.
About Kamilou
Before being a company, Kamilou was a person who loved to share and exchange things around a warm meal. After more than ten years, he created a cuisine that combined his desires, values , and history.
To achieve this, Kamilou had an atypical journey of beautiful encounters, hands outstretched and challenges sometimes cluttered with pitfalls. From this experience, he decided to transmit this value of resistance daily, and socio-professional integration quickly became one of his battlehorses.