Barbados-born comedian and immigration lawyer Sikisa is making her Fringe debut with her show Life of the Party. We caught up with the party girl to talk about her show, going by one name and is she ever finds time to sleep…
Funny Women: Tell us about your show.
Sikisa: My show, Life of the Party, is all about celebrating and trying to live your best life, especially after the difficult times we’ve had but also about the interactions I had with people at one particular house party. The show reveals how even though I think I’m the life of the party, through these conversations I realise how the world really sees me as a black woman. The show is fun, energetic, and full of surprises.
FW: It is my hope that going by one name you become the Madonna of comedy. You’re probably one of the busiest acts on the circuit, how do you find time to party and create an Edinburgh show
S: Some people actually don’t like the fact that I use just one name. For me, it’s just easier than using my full name because some people mess up my name anyways, so I tried to make it easier. This is why I used a nickname when I first started comedy. People on the circuit still call me my nickname which I respond to because they’ve known me as that from the start.
But to answer the question, people think I don’t sleep… and I’m not going to confirm that! This show has been years in the making and it has changed several times. I just wanted to make a show that represents me and how I have evolved as a comic. I worked hard to get here and I just hope that everyone has the party vibe when they come see the show.
FW: Have you got any tips for comedians going up to the festival for the first time?
S: I would say try and watch as many shows across the fringe as possible because then you get to see so much variety. There are so many great comics on the free fringe who cannot afford the fees to do a full show in one of the ‘top venues’. I know from experience that if I didn’t have the opportunity to save up money, I wouldn’t be able to do my show at The Pleasance.
FW: Who are the funny women are you hoping to see in Edinburgh this year?
S: SO MANY FUNNY WOMEN! Helen Bauer, Sophie Duker, Fern Brady, Ania Magliano, Chloe Petts, Suchandrika Chakrabarti, Alison Spittle, Micky Overman, Lily Phillps, Sian Davies, Vix Leyton, Esther Manito, Sarah Mills… I could be here all-day!
Sikisa’s debut stand up show Life of the Party will be at the Pleasance Courtyard Below at 8.25pm for the month of August for tickets go to