Meet the 2019 Funny Women Awards Finalists: Helena Langdon

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Funny Women

With her marketing strategy ideas, we had to include Helena Langdon from our London semi-final at Dingwalls in this year’s Funny Women Awards final. 

Funny Women: How does it feel to be through to the 2019 Funny Women Awards final?

Helena Langdon: It’s so, so exciting. Before I started doing comedy, I’d always keep an eye on the Funny Women Awards, and I’d watch clips of the final on YouTube and use it to discover new comedians I wanted to go and see. So it feels pretty mad to be in the final myself now.

FW: Describe your comedy to us.

HL: It’s quite weird. I have quite an awkward stage presence and deadpan style of delivery, but I hope my comedy itself is relatable and funny for everyone. I almost want the audience to think I’m going to be terrible, and then surprise them by making them laugh. It’s quite a risky strategy.

FW: What inspired you to start doing stand up?

HL: I’m such a huge fan of comedy, and I’ve always got in trouble throughout my life for distracting people by trying to make them laugh – so eventually I thought I should probably give it a go. Fear stopped me from doing stand up for a long time, but at the end of last year I ran out of excuses not to, and I gave it a try. I haven’t stopped doing it since.

FW: Who are your favourite funny women?

HL: Josie Long, Michelle Wolf, Amy Poehler, Sarah Keyworth, Jessica Fostekew, Natasia Demetriou and Ellie White – and about a million more.

Join us at the Funny Women Awards Grand Final, Thursday 19th September at the Bloomsbury Theatre, London. For tickets click here!

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Get notified when registration opens

Comedy Shorts Award Entry Requirements

The deadline for registration for the Comedy Shorts Award has passed.

Funny Women NextUp…Comedy Shorts Award

Are you a budding Director? Producer? Screenwriter? Are you collaborating with friends to make a funny video? Then we are looking for YOU!

If you have a short film or sketch that you think is hilarious, then enter your work for our Comedy Shorts Award to be in with a chance of winning some life-changing support and mentoring from comedy professionals.


A 1- 6 minute film that can take the form of anything comical. It’s a great opportunity to show us your creative flair and have fun!


This award is open to all women filmmakers and content developers. The film must be an original narrative created, produced and devised by a woman, or women, although male cast and crew members are allowed.


Yes – we require all films to be 6 minutes or under, to be entirely original dialogue, to not feature brand logos and most importantly, to only use music with the written consent of the performer and/or publisher either personally or via the PRS system .


We will broadcast selected entries on our Funny Women YouTube channel and social media (so keep an eye out) and the top 10 finalists’ films will also hosted on a dedicated Funny Women Comedy Shorts Awards page on our website. We will also broadcast the final 3 entries as part of the grand final night.


Films are judged for production, concept, delivery/performance, creativity, writing and overall funniness. The top 10 films are then viewed by an independent judging panel of top television and film industry professionals who will choose one overall winner and two runners up. The final three will be invited to attend the grand final in London on the 23rd September.


2021 Funny Women Awards Prizes

The deadline for registration for the Comedy Shorts Award has passed.

If you need further information please contact us here