I’m a feminist, but every time I go to a show described as a ‘feminist show, by a feminist performer’, even when that’s solely in subtext, I worry I’m in for a lecture. Jessica Fostekew: Hench is nothing like a lecture and completely blew me away!
What are good compliments to give to a woman? Is it really a compliment or a veiled insult? Or are we the ones judging ourselves and taking in what is said of us through that light? These are some of the questions Jessica Fostekew poses in her show or that, at least, her show planted in my mind.
Fostekew tells us about the perception others have of her. From her mother, to her son, going through people at the gym, everyone has something to say. Everyone always had something to say, even when she was a child struggling with drastic diets and the illogical concept of BMI, which have followed her through life. Media, the pharmaceutical industry, the sports and diet industry and language have plenty to be blamed for.
Others perceptions of us also shape how we see ourselves, and only when we are confronted by reality, do we really understand who we are… cue the anecdote about childbirth and what Fostekew has learnt from parenthood. No one is perfect and we’re all just trying to go through life the happiest way we can do it…so why not stop weighing ourselves?
You may be surprised by finding the performer dressed in full workout gear, but you’ll soon understand this show is a workout! With a very meaty show, it would be easy to turn it into a boring lecture about femininity and masculinity, but Jessica Fostekew brings us a riotous show filled with laughter. Truly hench!
Jessica Fostekew: Hench is at the Monkey Barrel at 13:30 until 25th August. For tickets and more information click here!
Funny Women are at the Edinburgh Fringe with five shows, from 19th – 23rd August, a Funny Women Awards 2019 semi-final, a Stand Up to Stand Out workshop and a Meet Up. Come find us!
There’s still time to nominate a women-led show for the 2019 Funny Women Awards’ Best Show Category! The show with the most nominations will be picked! Nominate a show you have seen or your own show by 31st August here!